My work is dedicated to shaping a vital knowledge infrastructure for Dutch area development. It is a privilege to do this as director of the Foundation for Area Development Knowledge (Stichting Kennis Gebiedsontwikkeling, in short: SKG), which is founded and continues to be supported by a broad network of public, private and third sector organizations. With the gracious help of its partners, the SKG is co-creating the institutional capacity needed to re/develop a sustainable built environment.
Since the summer of 2018, the board of the Dutch Foundation for Area Development Knowledge [Stichting Kennis Gebiedsontwikkeling] has entrusted me to co-develop and implement a knowledge program that includes research projects, professional education, science-practice exchange events and online media. The foundation has over 50 partners throughout the Netherlands. It's mission is to promote a professional, reflective area development practice aimed at re/developing a sustainable built environment. is the leading independent online platform for students and professionals in the field of area development.'s content (in Dutch) is free and unique, and cuts across major challenges in spatial planning, development and investment. It addresses and connects themes like climate adaptation, enery transition, mobility & infrastructure, financing & funding, social sustainability, and data & digitalization. It attracts more that 40 thousand unique visitors monthly, and has more than 17 thousand followers on LinkedIn. aims to reinvent education, training and knowledge exchange for the Dutch spatial planning, development and investment domains. It will uniquely position itself as a portal for students and professionals who want to learn about the science and practice of area development, providing access to a wide range of academic and professional training content. The new platform already offers its first, state-of-the-art professional training course, and will soon start to evolve...
My SKG Activities

Memberships & Networks
Member of the Partner Council [Partnerraad] Balanced Spatial Choices, a new TNO research and innovation program.
Member of the Academic Advisory Board for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region's Accessibility Program Samen Bouwen aan Bereikbaarheid (SBAB).
Member of a Think Tank for the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure. Recent sessions focused on a new Mobility Vision for the Netherlands up to 2050.
Member of the ULI European Urban Regeneration Council and co-organiser of the Urban Infrastructures Forum and (potential) product council.
Expert in the network of the International Association of Cities and Ports.
Member in the network of Holland Metropole, a collaboration between The Netherlands' five largest conurbations.
Member of the Advisory Board of Stadsmakersfonds, a fund for city/place making initiatives with social and fair economic return.
Mentor in the FRESH Mentor Program, offering advise to students who are contemplating a career in real estate.

Conferences & Meetings
2020: Moderator at the 'Diner Pensant' Virtual Meeting of the Opdrachtgeversforum voor de Bouw, October 28
2020: Co-Moderator of the sLIM Webinar 'Energie en GO', October 14
2020: Moderator of the AIVP Webinar 'How to Plan Waterfronts after the COVID-19?', June 4
2020: Moderator at the Provada LIVE Webinar on the Future of Urban Living, June 17, Amsterdam (RAI)
2020: Co-Organiser and Speaker at the SKG Expert Meeting Real Estate & Infrastructure Climate Risk Management, March 12, Delft
2020: Co-Organiser and Moderator of the ULI Infrastructure & Real Estate Forum, February 4, Amsterdam
2020: Co-Organiser and Moderator of the sLIM Evening Debate 'The Common City', January 19, Amsterdam
2019: Director of the Annual SKG Conference 'Gebiedsontwikkeling: meer waarde door samenwerking', November 7, The Hague (240 participants)
2019: Speaker at the 'Programmabijeenkomst Stedelijke transformatie', October 8, Utrecht
2019: Invited Expert and Panelist at the AIVP Days, June 6-8, Riga, Latvia
2019: Organiser and Moderator of the SKG Expert Meeting 'Ontwerpend onderzoek en gebiedsontwikkeling', May 24, Delft
2019: Speaker at the Conference '20 jaar PT', March 28, Tilburg, The Netherlands
2019: Organiser and Moderator of the Seminar 'Bereikbare verdichting', February 13, Delft
2019: Speaker at the Annual Conference 'Stedelijke transformatie', February 14, Eindhoven
2019: Co-Organiser and Moderator of the Evening Debate 'The Post-Growth City', January 15, Amsterdam
2018: Round Table Discussant on Linking Port and City Economies, Spaces and Cultures at the Port City Futures Conference, December 17-19, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2018: Invited Expert at a seminar for the H2020 project 'Docks of the Future', October 29-30, Porto, Portugal
2018: Rapporteur at the 16th AIVP World Conference 'Next Generation', Jun 11-14, Quebec, Canada
2018: Presenter and Discussant at the national conference Stedelijke Transformatie, February 22, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
2017: Presenter at the EXPO Real 2017 Urban Innovation and Investment Seminars, October 4, Munich, Germany
2017: Moderator and Presenter at the European Real Estate Society (ERES) Annual Conference, June 27-July 1, Delft, The Netherlands
2016: Invited Speaker at the European Week of Regions and Cities, October 12, Brussels, Belgium
2016: Poster Presentation at the 15th World Conference Cities & Ports, October 5-7, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2015: Presenter at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) 2016, April 1, San Francisco, United States
2015: Keynote Speech at ISOCARP2015 Rotterdam Workshop, October 19, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2014: Initiator, Co-organizer and Presenter: Spoorzone Delft Mobile Workshop, AESOP 28th Annual Congress, July 11, Delft, The Netherlands
2014: Co-organizer and Presenter: Round Table 'Port CityScapes', AESOP 28th Annual Congress, July 9-12, Utrecht/Delft, The Netherlands
2011: Co-organizer: Urban Area Development Track, MISBE2011 Conference (Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment), June 20-22, Amsterdam
2011: Reviewer and Presenter: AESOP Young Academics Meeting, February 16-18, Delft, The Netherlands
2007: Co-organizer and Presenter: ACTP – Seminar for Port Related PhD Research, Academic Centre for TransPort/Port of Rotterdam, April 27, Rotterdam.

Conferences & Meetings
2024: Speaker at the Annual Symposium of the Stichting Wonen Den Haag, November 18, The Hague
2024: Co-Organizer and Moderator of an SKG Expert Meeting on Innovation District Development, November 7, Delft
2024: Speaker at the 3rd Red&Blue Annual Symposium, October 11, Utrecht
2024: Co-Organizer and Moderator at the SKG Thematafel Grond & bekostiging, June and September
2024: Speaker at the VNG Conference session on Public-Private Partnerships in Area Development, June 26, Alphen aan den Rijn
2024: Panelist at the Provada Dutch Real Estate Fair, June 11, Amsterdam
2024: Speaker for the Housing Development Committee of Neprom, Association for Dutch Property Developers, June 5, The Hague
2024: Speaker at the Arcadis Knowledge & Network Event 'Aanjagers en vastlopers in gebiedsontwikkeling, April 23, Rotterdam
2024: Co-Organizer and Moderator at the sLIM Symposium 'Vormgeven aan de compacte stad' with a keynote by David Sim (Soft City), April 17, Delft
2024: Speaker at the Regionaal Congres Fruitdelta Rivierenland. Gebiedsfinanciering: naar een regionale investeringsagenda, April 4, Buren
2024: Organizer and Moderator of the SKG Jaarcongres Gebiedsontwikkeling 'Uitvoeringskracht 2.0', March 28, Amersfoort
2023: Organizer and Moderator for the Anniversary Symposium of the Master City Developer (MCD) program, December 12, Rotterdam
2023: Speaker at the VINU Event 'Integraal Denken, Regionaal Handelen' for the G5 network, November 30, Utrecht
2023: Co-Speaker at an Event for the Project Management Network of the Drechtsteden, November 27, Dordrecht
2023: Organizer and Moderator of the 2nd Dag van de Gebiedsontwikkeling at Delft University of Technology, November 8, Delft
2023: Speaker in a Session on Klimaatadaptatie en Gebiedsontwikkeling at the Nationaal Deltacongres, November 9, Groningen
2023: Co-Organizer and Co-Moderator of the 2nd Red&Blue Annual Symposium, September 8, Amsterdam
2023: Panelist of Werner's Klimaattafel: Crisisberaad voor 1,5e graad at the Provada Real Estate Fair, June 13, Amsterdam
2023: Participant at the Regional Studies Association (RSA) Annual Conference, June 14-16, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2023: Participant at the ULI Europe Annual Conference and Urban Regeneration Council Meeting, June 6-7, Madrid, Spain
2023: Speaker at the Event Inclusieve Gebiedsontwikkeling organized by Procap at Gemeente Zwolle, May 12, Zwolle
2023: Co-Organizer and Moderator of the Expert Meeting Grond & Bekostiging, May 9, De Bilt
2023: Organizer and Moderator of the SKG Jaarcongres Gebiedsontwikkeling 'Uitvoeringskracht', March 30, Amersfoort
2023: Co-Organizer and Moderator at the Expert Meeting Campus & Gebiedsontwikkeling, February 22, Purmerend
2023: Speaker and Moderator at the Jaarcongres Stedelijke Transformatie, February 16, Nijmegen
2023: Panelist at the Expert Meeting Action Framework NOVEX Housing Development Locations, February 9, Rotterdam
2023: Co-Organizer and Moderator at the Circular Area Development Symposium, February 7, Delft
2023: Panelist at the Haag Wonen Collaboration Event on Social and Affordable Housing Provision, January 26, The Hague
2022: Speaker at the G10 Municipal Controllers Meeting on Governance Capacity in Urban Development, November 30, Utrecht
2022: Panelist at the Expert Meeting Watertorenberaad on Eindhoven's Regional Development, November 22, Eindhoven
2022: Panelist at Resilient Delta (EUR-TUD) Expert Meeting 'Insuring the Dutch Delta' at The Loft, November 14, Rotterdam
2022: Moderator at the first Dag van de Gebiedsontwikkeling at Delft University of Technology, November 9, Delft
2022: Speaker and Moderator at the Real Estate Development & Building in Low Urban Environments (Red&Blue) Kick-Off Symposium and Field Trip, September 12-13, Valkenburg
2022: Organizer and Co-Moderator at the SKG Jaarcongres Gebiedsontwikkeling 'Uitvoeringskracht', March 31, The Hague
2022: Speaker at Pizzasessie Alternatieve Bekostiging, Metropoolregio Rotterdam-Den Haag, March 29, Rotterdam
2022: Speaker at the Symposium Kansen boven het Spoor at NS Stations, March 18, Utrecht
2022: Speaker at an online Rabobank Expert Meeting on speeding up Housing Construction in The Netherlands, January 13
2021: Organizer and Speaker of the sLIM Webinar on Healthy Area Development, December 1
2021: Organizer and Moderator of the SKG 15-year Anniversary Meeting at Delft Faculty of Architecture, November 5
2021: Speaker at a workshop for the Nationaal Vervoerscongres (NVC), October 27, Utrecht
2021: Speaker at the CROW Inspiratiemiddag HOV at Muntgebouw, October 14, Utrecht
2021: Organizer and Co-Moderator of the sLIM Masterclass on Healthy Area Development, 23 September, Utrecht
2021: Organizer and Speaker of the livestream SKG Studio, broadcasted from Leiden, March 31 (online, 80+ audience)
2021: Plenary Speaker at the Jaarcongres Stedelijke Transformaties, February 11, Woerden (online, 400+ audience)
2021: Moderator of the ULI Europe Urban Infrastructure Forum, February 4 (online, 40+ audience)
2021: Panelist at the ULI Netherlands Annual Meeting, January 7.

2019-present: Co-Organiser and Moderator of Vastgoedcafé Network Meetings hosted by City of Delft and members of Delft's construction, property development, investment, and social/affordable housing industry: 09May19, 18Sep19, 5Feb20, 1Jul20, 13Apr21, 18Jan22, 31Jan23, 21Sep23, 12May24, 21Nov24